What is Steganography?
Steganography is the science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart from the sender and intended recipient even realizes there is a hidden message.
A perfectly innocuous picture? Nothing special about it? Well if you download QuickStego and copy the above image into the system, you will see that there is a lot of 'secret text' hidden in this image. Try it and see! Or if you can't wait, move further down this page for a screen shot of what will be revealed ...
What does QuickStego let me do?
QuickStego lets you hide text in pictures so that only other users of QuickStego can retrieve and read the hidden secret messages. Once text is hidden in an image the saved picture is still a 'picture', it will load just like any other image and appear as it did before. The image can be saved, emailed, uploaded to the web (see the picture of the lady with a laptop above - this image has hidden text) as before, the only difference will be that it contains hidden text.
What does QuickStego NOT do?
QuickStego does not ENCRYPT the secret text message though it is well hidden in the image. If you require the message to also be encrypted (so even if found it can't be read without knowing a password) then QuickCrypto is the product for you. QuickCrypto includes the functions of QuickStego but also allows you to securely encrypt text and files and even hide files on your computer.
QuickStego will not let you hide files in images, to do that you require QuickCrypto. QuickCrypto can hide secret text and/or files in picture images.
Why is QuickStego free?
Quite honestly, QuickStego is provided free of charge as we hope you will like the software and wish at some point to upgrade to QuickCrypto or other Cybernescence products.
Given QuickStego is freeware, is it supported?
Yes, the core functions of QuickStego are also part of QuickCrypto, therefore the product will be supported for the foreseeable future. Functionality on its way, is the ability to hide messages inside audio files, e.g. mp3 and wav.
How much text can be hidden in each picture?
The larger the image, the more text that can be concealed within. QuickStego will tell you how many characters of text you must lose if you go over this limit per picture. In practice a lot of secret text can be hidden in even a small image.
How does it work?
QuickStego imperceptibly alters the pixels (individual picture elements) of the image, encoding the secret text by adding small variations in color to the image. In practice, to the human eye, these small differences do not appear to change the image.
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